A Fun Journey This Quarter


I learned a lot this quarter. First, I found out the sequence or the internet timeline. I learned and know people who invented them. Just like, Bob Kahn and Vint Cerf who made up the TCP/IP, the common language of all internet computers. I also learned about the major components of the internet and that's where he deepened my knowledge of the internet.

 It's a fun challenge to get past the first quarter. Before I end this quarter, I faced many trials. One of them is the manipulating the computer, because I don't know much about its other components, so I have a hard time and I even ask my seatmate to help me. Next is the sequence of events or the internet timeline, so that you can better understand it and better know the sequence of them, you should really take the time to study it. Lastly, in the making of blog post I challenge about my content.

I solved all of them, by learning more about my weaknesses and I learned more about other computer content that I should know. Also by studying the years events on the internet timeline, what I learned there became more meaningful. While making my blog posts, I learned more and thought about what I should put in that topic.

Moving on, I will try in the next quarter to achieve what I hope for, because this quarter, I was disappointed with my performance, because I know that I did not do enough. I will improve, I will think carefully and everything I do must be meaningful.


Image 1:https://www.ict.eu/en/ict-improve

Image 2:

What is the Difference Between ICT and IT?

Image 3:Website Design by Ridge Design


  1. Impressive! Such a wonderful ending to your struggles. Never give up and always hope for the best. Agyaman, ka - biugueno!


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